Bring the future to your workplace
Have you heard of a micro market? If you haven’t you probably will soon as it is fast becoming the future of delivering food, drinks and refreshments in the work place. These micro market hubs use state of the art vending machines to create a space that fulfils all of your break time needs.
They can be completely tailored to your needs, budget and space by our sister company R+R Hub throughout Leicester and provide unassisted payment experiences whether it is for a full meal or simply a barista-style cup of coffee. As they are completely automated, they can be open 24/7 meaning they can fit around any shift patterns without the expense of keeping a working canteen open.
These micro markets are completely secure thanks to their hi-tech systems and CCTV, and make the whole process quick and easy meaning your staff can refuel with what they need, when they need it and without hassle.
If you have a question about our micro market vending solutions, please contact our team today on 01530 243415.